Comprehensive Behavioral Health Centers
West Virginia Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers
Ryan Brown Addiction Prevention and Recovery Fund In 2017 the West Virginia State Legislature created the Ryan Brown Addiction Prevention and Recovery Fund. As a result, in 2018 the state awarded $20.8 million in grant funding to nine substance use disorder programs to expand residential treatment services across West Virginia and increase the residential treatment capacity and the number of treatment beds in the state by 254%. Project Hope for Women and Children opened on December 6, 2019 and the other 8 Ryan Brown residential programs, in various stages of construction, licensing approval, and so on, are anticipated to open in the coming months.
Pregnant & Parenting Residential Treatment Project Hope, the first of the Ryan Brown programs to get off the ground, allows families the opportunity to stay together and thrive as parents obtain life skills to ensure the continuation of recovery. This is one crucial step to decrease the number of children in foster care, which has risen by nearly 50% in the last 3 years primarily due to West Virginia’s SUD crisis.
West Virginia Perinatal Partnership Drug Free Moms and Babies Program (DFMB), supports healthy outcomes for mothers and babies by providing prevention, early intervention, addiction treatment, and recovery support.